Friday, May 13, 2011

Triple Surprise Birthday - {Just for Fun!}

EDITED: Please check out the new blog at to leave any comments. Thanks!

Dan saw Mandy making cupcakes, and thought we were celebrating my Ben's birthday. My Ben saw me making cake balls and thought we were celebrating brother Ben's birthday. Brother Ben heard a few things and thought we were celebrating Dan and Ben's birthdays. None of them had a CLUE it was for them! Each of them. :) And oh man, it was SO much fun putting it all together with the girls.

It started when Mandy had the idea to get Dan a keyboard (he is an amazing pianist!) for his birthday, and wanted to give it to him when we were all together. We realized my Ben's birthday was only a few days before Dan's, so we should do a joint party! And then we remembered that brother Ben was in Iraq for his December birthday so we should add him to the fun too. So the plans fell into place!

Dad and the boys had a "man day" that afternoon so the girls could get all set up! We all met up for dinner and then the girls rushed home afterwards to finish setting up and getting in place to get pictures. Mandy chose a cowboy theme, which was PERFECT, and picked out all the decorations. 

Loved the table set-up! A little cowboy hat for each of them. :)

Mary and Jarrett got to the house and immediately decided that a pinata was needed and ran out and got one. 
It was a fabulous decision!

We didn't have enough candles for each of them, so we decided to channel our creativity. BroBen was 24, Dan 25, and my Ben 28. We had a "2", "4", "6", "7", and "1" and came up with the following set-up:

Yup, that's a 7+1 for my Ben! We didn't have an 8. :)
When the boys got home, each one was trying to get the other to go through the door first because they all thought the party was for someone else! It was SO funny! And we just loved the reactions when they all realized it was for each one of them.

Oh! And the pinata, named Pokey, quickly became Dan's best friend.

We quickly got down to business, present business. We made Dan search for his because it was too big to wrap, but the Ben's both cuddled up with the pups (aren't those some good looking pups??) on the couch to open their presents.

The onlookers don't look too happy for some strange reason...I think they were ready for dessert!
And who wouldn't be ready for this?? Jelly bean topped cupcakes, fresh strawberry cheesecake, and cake balls! Yum.
Last little details.
Ben and Mary wanted to try some new styles.
 Owen. I love this dog! I just had to post it, he's too cute!
And just in case you missed it in my post last week, this was the first time our entire family was ALL together. 
So we ended the night like this. :)


  1. Ahhh... fun to relive such a special evening!! I treasure every moment - and your pix and story telling bring it alive once more!!

  2. Sure was fun...such a great family : )

  3. Love it! Great pictures Karen!
